
Healing Your Teammates

  1. Examine your teammate:

    • To assess your teammate's injuries, move your mouse over their body and wait for the examine window to appear. Do not move the mouse - it takes a moment for the window to pop up.
    • After examination, focus on organ damage or bleeding first.
  2. Your teammate can assist by checking their health status and informing you if the border of the bleeding or organ symbol is red or yellow. Prioritize fixing red-bordered elements to expedite their recovery. If they have significant blood loss and organ damage, address the bleeding first. Blood transfusion should be the last step.

  3. Medical supplies must be in your chest rig or pockets; they cannot be stored in your safe container when you want to aid your teammates.

Organ Damage

  • Depending on the severity of the damage, teammates may either die instantly or fall into a coma. When in a coma, you can revive them using your healing tools.

  • You cannot heal your teammates if the brain or heart is damaged hard.

  • If secondary organs like the lungs or liver are damaged, the player falls into a coma, and you can use the survival kit to revive them. This must occur before the timeout.

Blood Loss

  • If a player's blood level drops below 2000, they will pass out. To revive them, address the bleeding and use a blood bag.

Healing Yourself


  • Small and medium bleedings can be treated by using a bandage. 
  • Heavy bleedings should be treated with a tourniquet or multiple bandages.
  • If a player's blood level drops below 2000, they will pass out. To revive them, address the bleeding and use a blood bag.

Organ Damage needs treatment with a Surgical KitOrgan Damage

Organ damage to your lungs or liver needs treatment with a survival kit. These damages will affect your vision and lower your stamina.

Damaged organs cause coughing, dizziness, and hinder your health recovery. The 6/6 surgery kit heals more slowly, so you should use the 3/3 for faster operation.

Healing Broken Bones with a Stim

Broken Bones

Broken bones transition in a gradient from yellow to red on your character's health panel. The darker it gets, the more maximum stamina you lose. You can repair them by using a splint.

Arm fractures will lower your aiming ability, and leg fractures will reduce your running speed.

  1. Pick a splint from your inventory.
  2. Drag it over the broken bone.
  3. Once it turns green, release the left mouse button to apply the splint.

How to Store Your First Aid Gear

Expensive first aid items can be stashed in your safe container. You can even save some space by using a QRKit or an M-Fac Kit, which provide additional stash slots. Items that should go into your safe container are the blood bags and surgical kits, while bandages can be stored in your pockets.

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